Dog Puller

The Dog Puller Sport is based on working with two rings. It allows for daily intensive training with your dog and also the opportunity to understand them better and develop them mentally. The training is based on three simple exercises - running, jumping and tugging, which can be combined, modified and adapted to achieve the best results with your dog.

The training is performed with positive motivation in the form of a game and is fun for the dog. Puller rings are made of safe and durable material in 5 sizes. Dog Puller is therefore truly a sport for all dog breeds. It is suitable for puppies from 3 months of age. It can be practiced on both a professional and amateur level for fun, to increase fitness and develop your dog's mental abilities.


This discipline consists of alternating running the dog for the Puller on both sides of the field, catching it in motion in the catching zone and bringing it into the starting zone. Here the dog drops it on the ground or hands it to the handler. The racing field is 10 x 30 meters. The middle field is the starting zone, the outermost fields are the running zones, behind them is the area for catching the Puller (catching zone), which is not restricted. The discipline lasts 90 seconds and two Puller rings are used alternately. For catching the Puller by the dog in the catching zone on the move and bringing it to the starting zone, the team gets 1 point.

The handler may only have two Puller rings in the starting area. Their task is to throw the Puller so that the dog catches it while still in motion in the catching zone. When doing so, they must alternate sides and Puller rings.

The team tries to score as many points as possible.


The Jumping discipline consists in alternating jumping from circle to circle with a bite into the Puller in the jump. It is competed in a middle field of 10 x 10 meters. The discipline lasts 90 seconds, two Puller rings are used, alternating for each jump.

The handler's job is to hold the Puller correctly at height and motivate the dog to take turns jumping. The Pullers must be alternated and the handler must hold the Puller in their hand at the moment the dog catches it. The Puller can only be released after the dog has grabbed the Puller in the mouth (depending on the working technique, the handler can also release the Puller).

The team tries to achieve as many correct catches of the Puller in the jump as possible. The quality of the jumps is scored, not the number of jumps.

Official categories at WCH


Category for dogs up to 36 cm tall.


Category for dogs with withers height from 36.01 cm to 47 cm.


Category for dogs with a height at the withers from 47.01 cm.


A category for high speed breeds such as Border Collies, Kelpies and their crossbreeds.


A category for molossoid type dogs and other dogs unable to develop high speed and agility due to breed and physical constitution.

Unofficial categories at WCH


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